eXploring™ gets you out of the boardroom and into the real world.


eXploring™ allows you to gain personal connections with your consumers. Our groundbreaking sessions foster candid conversation, direct engagement, and above all else, true understanding of what motivates brand choice.

eXploring™ is:

  • Open and collaborative, free of one-way viewing mirrors. 

  • People, not respondents.

  • Real, consumer-led, conversation. 

eXploring™ brings you directly into people’s lives, offering authentic insights.

We get you out of the office and into the real world.



Sandy began eXploring™ in 1997 when she was living in Asia. Being a young strategist in an unfamiliar part of the world and not speaking the local language, she needed to find a way to connect with her client’s consumers. She was knowledgeable enough, but was lacking the empathy and understanding it would take to help her clients grow their business. She found this understanding through eXploring™ — stepping out of the office and directly into consumers’ lives.

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Our Services

eXploring™ Deep Dives: These sessions put you in direct contact with your consumers on their turf.  It’s a deep dive into their lives to help you ‘feel’ what motivates and inspires them. These sessions are not designed to test propositions, but instead are there to help expose you to the real lives of real people, not respondents. Many of our clients use these sessions to help understand the meaning behind their data, taking them from a place of knowledge, to true understanding. 

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Meet Sandy

Sandy Thompson:  30+ year brand specialist. Facilitator. Creative. Growth driven. True.

Sandy has a team of 7 freelance eXplorers, who speak 6 different languages — all who have been personally trained by her.

“Sandy Thompson is a big thinker. Someone who is able to connect the business problem with creative sensibilities. And in this tech obsessed world, skills such as Sandy’s appear to be increasingly rare. She can drive the right conversation in the board room - how do we build your business with the power of ideas.”
Russel Howcroft, Partner + Chief Creative Officer, PwC, Australia