Let’s eXplore together.


Around the world…

We’ve babysat for busy moms in the United States, washed hair for a shampoo brand in Japan, worked the counter at a retail outlet in New York, done laundry for families in the UK, renovated homes in Canada, cooked chapatis in Delhi for a packaged goods company, changed motor oil in China, pole danced with seniors in America, made ice cream in Mexico, gone under the veil in Saudi Arabia for a skin care brand, visited aids orphanages in Nairobi, worked the fields in China, gone clubbing in Berlin for a telco, sold shoes in New Jersey, had our scalps analyzed in Tokyo, hung out with the Russian elite for a luxury brand, joined the Singapore Navy, went on a trek in Australia, took some seniors out for dinner in Prague, concierged at a 5 star hotel in Hong Kong, took spinning classes in Chicago, planned a wedding in Malaysia, hung out with teens in Toronto, dove the hills of Thailand, took sick kids to the zoo in Nashville, helped a dad do his Christmas shopping in Miami, took selfies with the experts in Shanghai, discovered the humor of feminism in India and so much more … 

Sandy introduced me to eXploring when I was CMO at P&G and taught me that if you want to understand how a lion hunts you have to go to the jungle, not the zoo. It changed the way I thought about my consumer and gave me the opportunity to truly feel what was important to them.
Jim Stengel, CEO, The Jim Stengel Group
Sandy brought eXploring to a pitch I was working on in the beverage category. eXploring helped us realize that we didn’t need to dig deep to find insights, or ladder up to some meaningful reason why people drink beer, we just need to be real. It was one of the best pitches I have ever worked on, filled with laughter, stories and a good dose or reality.
Will Platt-Higgins, VP Global Client Partnerships, Facebook

eXploring™ deep dives:

These sessions put you in direct contact with your consumers on their turf.  It’s a deep dive into their lives to help you ‘feel’ what motivates and inspires them. These sessions are not designed to test propositions, but instead are there to help expose you to the real lives of real people, not respondents. Many of our clients use these sessions to help understand the meaning behind their data, taking them from a place of knowledge, to true understanding. 

eXploring™ Training:

Many of our clients want to learn the art of eXploring™ to help them stay engaged with their consumers on a day-to-day basis. Sandy and her team will work with your team on a ‘live’ project to teach you how to directly reach out to people without the expense of recruiters. She will help your team make the shift from interviews to meaningful conversations.